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In the UK, the Michelin Tyre Company Ltd was incorporated on 11 May 1905 and is now, more than one hundred years later involved in many activities not just tyre making, from tyre industry training to economic development and publishing.

We have an extensive sales force supporting the thousands of tyre distributors in the UK and the Republic of Ireland from car tyre to truck, agricultural as well as specialist industrial and earthmover, this is backed by a comprehensive sales and technical support.

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    In the UK, the Michelin Tyre Company Ltd was incorporated on 11 May 1905 and is now, more than one hundred years later involved in many activities not just tyre making, from tyre industry training to economic development and publishing.

    We have an extensive sales force supporting the thousands of tyre distributors in the UK and the Republic of Ireland from car tyre to truck, agricultural as well as specialist industrial and earthmover, this is backed by a comprehensive sales and technical support.