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Welcome to Maniflow – a name renowned in the racing world with over 40 years experience producing quality manifolds and systems. David Dorrington started
at the innovative Downton Engineering in 1962 and left in 1971 to form his own company (Maniflow). Developing and supplying parts to ex-Downton employees, who had started their own business (notably Richard Longman and Brian Slark). Our products have been and are still used by many top teams from Formula 1
and Works teams to major manufacturers, all achieving championship status and international success, in fact virtually every branch of motorsport that requires gas- flowed tubular components.

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    Welcome to Maniflow – a name renowned in the racing world with over 40 years experience producing quality manifolds and systems. David Dorrington started
    at the innovative Downton Engineering in 1962 and left in 1971 to form his own company (Maniflow). Developing and supplying parts to ex-Downton employees, who had started their own business (notably Richard Longman and Brian Slark). Our products have been and are still used by many top teams from Formula 1
    and Works teams to major manufacturers, all achieving championship status and international success, in fact virtually every branch of motorsport that requires gas- flowed tubular components.