+44 (0) 1491 827460
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Since the late 50’s our handcrafted wood and leather rim steering wheels have taken pride of place in classic cars and sports cars around the world. Our steering wheels have been chosen as original equipment by almost every prestigious car marque from AC Cars to TVR. Thousands of enthusiasts have used our classic and retro design steering wheels to grace their classic car restoration and renovation projects, or to give a prestigious edge to kit cars and custom cars.

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    Since the late 50’s our handcrafted wood and leather rim steering wheels have taken pride of place in classic cars and sports cars around the world. Our steering wheels have been chosen as original equipment by almost every prestigious car marque from AC Cars to TVR. Thousands of enthusiasts have used our classic and retro design steering wheels to grace their classic car restoration and renovation projects, or to give a prestigious edge to kit cars and custom cars.