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Goodridge Brake Hoses

Goodridge is the world’s leading manufacturer of performance fluid transfer systems. It operates in the OEM, automotive, motorcycle, motorsport, defence and specialist industrial sectors. This dynamic private company manufactures in ten facilities globally and supplies customers around the world with a unique combination of design, innovation, reliability and outstanding service. Goodridge has a turnover of over £35m and operates globally with manufacturing and distribution operations in the UK, USA, Mexico and Europe, employing more than 300 people worldwide.

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    Goodridge is the world’s leading manufacturer of performance fluid transfer systems. It operates in the OEM, automotive, motorcycle, motorsport, defence and specialist industrial sectors. This dynamic private company manufactures in ten facilities globally and supplies customers around the world with a unique combination of design, innovation, reliability and outstanding service. Goodridge has a turnover of over £35m and operates globally with manufacturing and distribution operations in the UK, USA, Mexico and Europe, employing more than 300 people worldwide.